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Easily create and edit stow plans with easystow

Creating or editing a stow plan has never been easier!

Create efficient stowplans

With easystow you can import large cargolists. The cargo will automatically be named and color coded according your specification. 

After importing the cargolist, it is simply a matter of dragging and dropping the cargo in the right place.

Drag and drop cargo

The imported cargo is displayed as  colored blocks drawn at the appropriate scale. The blocks can be shifted and turned inside the vessel’s template. Trying different options and places for the cargo has never been easier!

Export stowplans 

Finished stowplans can be exported as a pdf file. This file can be opened on almost every computer, tablet and phone. Other export options are jpg, png, svg, emf, etc.

Stowplans can easily be shared with the client and the vessel.


Contact us for a price offer

Despite Easystow being the ideal tool for both captain-owners of a vessel and large fleet owners, demands may vary. Therefor you can contact us to get a price that matches your needs. 

Contact us

Contact details

Klifweg 20
8321 EJ  Urk
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 1269 2583

Easystow is used by cargo-brokers, shipowners and fleet managers as a fast and reliable stowplan creator.